1. Setting up the iOS application

Follow the steps for launching the VPano - iOS app

To follow along, you'll need the following:

  • A Mac running Mojave (10.14.6) or later.

  • Xcode 10.3 or later. You'll need Xcode 10.3 or later to open and run the application.

  • The project uses Swift 5.

After purchasing and downloading the Main_files.zip, unwrap it wherever you want it on the PC.

Launching and setting up the project

  1. Open the Panorama_Project folder and launch the Panorama.xcodeproj file.

2. To change the app name replace the Display Name, and select your device before running the project. .

3. Press the Run button to launch the app on the device.

Done, you have succesfully launched the iOS application.

Last updated